Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here's our stocking hanger. I saw it at the house of some friends and Cameron built it for me. I painted it and it looks much better in the photo than in real life! But it's a good place to put your stockings when you don't have a mantle, only a pellet stove!
Too many presents under the tree!

Missy's mushroom chair. Amy has one that's too small for the big kids to sit in, so she got this one and it's purple -- her favorite color!

Santa seems to know what her favorite color is! Here's her new bike which she desperately needed! Thank you, Santa!
Amy loved Christmas this year! Cameron's bow set is in the background. Rob got a Benjamin air rifle, so the two of them are going to go out and shoot things. We should be eating a lot of quail in the coming months! Just kidding! And yes, Ola, Amy's hair isn't blond anymore. But we still like it!. She's been licking her lower lip a lot, so she looks like Angelina Jolie.
More pictures will come, but this is all it would let me download. Becky, I really need your help! Hope everyone's Christmas was great!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Looks like a great Christmas! What did YOU get? Amy looks thrilled with the whole thing!