Tuesday, February 6, 2007

We went to the doctor yesterday to find out that Cameron has influenza B and it is apparently going around the school. So he's home again today with Amy and PaNana, which really isn't too bad by his standards because school (actually the work part of it) is not one of his favorite things right now and he likes how Grandma takes care of him when he's sick. He says she's good at that!

We're looking forward to Tony's extremely brief visit on Friday. It may be short, but we're happy with what we get! Cameron is looking forward to Kevin's visit in April. We're still planning on unloading Cameron in Humble sometime this summer. Maybe the whole summer! Just kidding. I'd miss him too much.

Everything else continues to moving along at its merry pace here. Oh, I was going to comment on the jiggity-jig thing. I remember Jeffy used to say "home again, home again, jiggery-jig". I thought it was cute and now I like to say it! I see by everyone else's blogs that things are pretty good with the rest of the family, too. I'm very grateful for that. Heavenly Father has truly blessed the Hemming/Bryan/Gillespie (at least my part) families. Well, I have a faculty meeting now, so I better post this. Love to you all.


Shersy said...

Just found your blog - through Becky's...it was nice to read through your recent posts. I am so glad that we can be connected through these blogs - and also am grateful for the blessings we share! Love you! Have a great day!

Becky said...

I hope we CAN get these boys together for awhile this summer! I think they'd enjoy it (I know this one would!)
Tony's looking forward to his visit, even if you all have to visit FAST!